I hate to appear severly critical of the WT Movement since it can give their followers the impression that the people who review their doctrines are unnnessarily ''splitting hairs'' - but the expression "accurate knowledge" is a legacy of Fred Franz, once defined as the "oracle" of the WTS, and the chief architect of their New World "Translation" of the Bible.
Franz saw a difference between two Greek nouns in the NT: Ginosis and Epiginosis. As can be seen, the only difference between the two is that the second word has a prefix "epi" which in Greek is a preposition. To Freddy, the first simply meant "knowledge" per se, but the second was "Knowledge" with an intesifying prefix, hence a kind of intensive knowledge defined by its "accuracy" Since he perceived himself to be the final repository of all accurate "truth" regarding the Bible, Franz decided to "translate" epiginosis as "AK" in such crucial places as Eph 1:17. The implication was clear: Only in the bowels of the secretive WT movement can one find such Accuracy in Bible knowledge, all of course courtesy of Franz himself.
In fact the majority of scholars with far humbler pretensions, disageed with Franz. Most Lexicons today either will acknowledge that there is no significant shift in emphasis between the two words, [they often cite the Greek Sept translation of the OT which clearly shows that the Greeks themselves saw no difference. At Hosea 4:1 for instance, the word "epiginosis" is used and the WT "translation" has "knowledge"] or they may feel that if there is such a subtle shift then the emphasis is more on "completeness" rather than on "accuracy" It is clear from the context of Eph 1:17, cited above, for instance, that Paul's concern was that the Ephesians may get the "complete'' picture of the Christian message, since the picture already given to them by other evangelists before him was indeed already accurate.
In fact in the "Ad book, pg 1013, ["Insight" vol 2 pg 181] the anonymous writer cites 3 seperate Bible translations to support the Franz contention that "epiginosis" should be translated "AK": The 20th Cent NT, Rothermam, and Darby. The deceitful thing is that NONE of these use the expression "AK'' they all use variations of "complete" or "full knowledge"
Franz was'nt even consistent. The word "epiginosis" occurs 20 times in the NT, and of these, the NW ''Translation" has used the expression "AK" 19 times. In one place, however, Franz had to admit that the expression simply could not fit. This was at Philemon 6, where he used "acknowledging" thus implying that his boastful emphasis on "AK" was misplaced.
If Franz made a meal of the noun "epigionsis" his "translation" of the verb, "epiginosko" was outageously inconsistent. The verb occurs 43 times and Franz "translated" the word no less than 15 seperate ways. In fact only on 5 occasions did he translate the verb with "accurate" in the rendering. [ at 1 Cor 13:12 he has "know accurately" while at Col 1:6, 1Tim 4:3, and 2Pet 2:21, twice, he reverses the infinitve and uses "accurately know"] On 4 occassions he acknowledged that the verb means "to know FULLY" because that is how he rendered Matt 11:21 twice, Lu 1:4, and Ac 22:24
The Word of God is too big an organism to be manipulated for ones own selfish advantage, and the WTS is discovering this when examiners are uncovering the deception inherent in this "Translation" and the legacy that Franz has left behind is a tattered, ruined, shambles. Truly theirs is a god that failed